
Saturday, August 4, 2018


Any emotional action or where you show your vulnerabilities to people is known as trust.
In other words trust is to believe that someone will not harm you, he/she is honest and good or something is secure and safe.
Emotionally when you show your vulnerabilities to people and know that they will not take advantage of this is also called as idea of “what is trust”.

Trust is a vital part to build any relation whether it’s professional or personal but it is not an essay to build trust easily many people struggle with it for a lot of different reasons.
Trust evolves over time. Role of trust in any relationship is also important because, a relationship that develops and matures over time generates more strong connection.
Long-term relationships depend upon cooperation. To achieve this, individuals need to be able to substitute for each other, influence one another, and have a positive attitude towards each other.

What comes first, for a healthy relationship? Trust always comes before love.
Love and happiness were closely tied to feelings of faith or you can also say that trust and love are the compliment for each other, but somehow trust always come first then love. There are three component of love: Trust, Respect and affection, in which trust has the top most priority. Loving your partner, Love is a key for any relationship you can love the person most whom you trust the most. You trust your partner to protect and nourish your emotions and love. Love is a very special feeling and it can be only to someone you trust completely. One more important feeling which acts as a string in any relationship is respect, if  your partner respect you, then you tends to feel attracted or affectionate towards them ,and slowly it build trust in your relationship

One of the important thing you need to learn in your relation, that relationship does not flourish with lack of trust because without trust you don’t love from heart and your relation can’t work. Another reason why trust is important, because it makes you feel happy and positive: to feel positive and happy. In any relationship, trusting someone makes us generally more happy and positive. If you are being able to love and trust your partner it will give you immense happiness and make you feel positive. When you feel positive it gives you hope. When if you are in a relation and you don’t have trust in your partner it will make you feel depressed and lonely loneliness does not bother you anymore. When you are in love or in a relation and you respect, trust your partner then at the bottom of your heart you know that no more you have to face difficulties and challenges alone.
 Your relationship cannot enhance without trust.
So be considerate what your partner want and need. So these are various reasons to consider trust as important in a relationship



Every individual is unique from each other. Everyone has the different definition of happiness, some people call that happiness when they achieve something in life, for few small things like getting an appreciation from the boss, doing good deeds for others is happiness.  No matter what cause us happiness, we all want to be happy in our life. Pain and happiness are two sides of coin both will go consecutively.

Imagine that for a whole year everything that is happening to you is the best. Your all days are equivalent, nothing is getting change, daily you are getting the same thing means all happiness all around you. I bet after some time you feel like the things that are happening with you is monotonous, dull. And we dont appreciate those things. It is a human nature we always compare our things with our past whether it is our experience or other things. We always want more than we have. Unless we realize pain, we are not able to recognize what is known as happiness thats why pain is essential for a better understanding of life and happiness.

We called something as pain which does not match with our needs. If we want something in our life and we are not able to achieve it that cause us sorrow and later if we keep on thinking of the same thing and again and again, we hurt ourselves more. For us, the big sad moments would be if we lose someone or we fail to achieve some goals. Reality is if we never go through heartbreaks or made wrong decisions, we will never be able to change ourselves.

Most of the people might think why pain is essential, it is that experience in our life which realize us what things are important in our life to make us happy. Sad, painful moments give us inspiration, experience, teaches us lessons that help us in achieving true happiness of our life. The sense of loss helps in re-inventing ourselves and motivate us for betterment. There is the best thing about pain, no one wants it still we all have to face it yet happiness is a choice for us.

 It has been said, Change your perspective to see things, automatically world changes accordingly. It matters a lot how we perceive things. Some people can find happiness in sorrow and some people can find pain in happiness. Its how we perceive things, will come to us. There is always a way to become happy. If we are sad in one place than believe me that is not constant, always look for something bright happiness. There is always a light in the darkness, its just we must search for it.

Some people have a habit of thinking that all bad things happen to them but the reality is their perception. If something bad is happening that means in the future you will get a lot of happiness. Remember bad people gives you experience, good people give you advice but in the end, both things are important to living life. Pain is part of life that is inevitable, but there is no need to stick to that situation. Let that pain go from you. Love yourself give yourself permission to be love and allow yourself to rise above from all the pain. Human souls are resilient to overcome test and trials of life. If water can find its own level so also, we can.

Remember happiness is a choice, give yourself some time, be with some who loves you, so things that you like rather than finding big happiness, start looking for happiness in small things. Happiness is everywhere and that comes all together with pain. Remember rose has a thorn in it but that does not affect its beauty. Like that pain do not overcome the beauty of life, both pain and happiness come together in life.

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